Monthly: January 2015

Thinning Eyebrows?

Hello, Great article from Mary McCoy on the subject: Thinning eyebrows aren’t simply the result of over-plucking. Sometimes, women experience thinning eyebrows as a result of a medical condition or the aging process. Here are our helpful tips for remedying or disguising thinning eyebrows. Causes of thinning eyebrows Even though heavy-handedness with a set of tweezers is a major cause of thin eyebrows, sparse hair on your brow line may not be your fault. Several conditions can contribute to the appearance of thinning eyebrows: Nutrient deficiency. If you’re deficient in your vitamins and minerals, your whole body will start to show it. Vitamins A, E and D promote hair growth, and vitamin B mitigates bodily stress responses, which can prevent hair loss. A deficiency in any of these vitamins can cause thinning eyebrows. Hypothyroidism. Interestingly, an under-active thyroid can cause women to lose one-third of the hair on their eyebrows. Eczema. Although the flaky, itchy skin condition known as eczema…

Donate your Hair Today

By Maggie Golden If you’ve ever wanted to donate hair, you more than likely have been directed to donate to Locks of Love. They have a great cause– but many seem to be misinformed about Locks of Love‘s exact mission. Once upon a time, I was an eleven-year-old with Leukemia. My family and I turned to Locks of Love to secure a wig for me. We went through the extensive application process (including getting references from people who knew me, submitting medical information, and filling out a form). Eventually, we got a letter back. cut haircropRejected. I was offered a “synthetic hair piece,” and was told that they only give real-hair wigs to kids with “long-term” hair loss. Like most people, my family and I were under the impression that Locks of Love provides wigs to kids with cancer. Their justification to my frustrated mama bear was that my “hair is going to grow…